Policy video - Advancing…
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Policy video - Advancing…
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Oomisha saliixa uumama…
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Sesame production Ethiopia –…
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Can organic agriculture improve…
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Can organic agriculture improve…
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Sustainable Yam Systems in West…
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Insect as Feed in West Africa
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Organic Resource Management for…
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Marketing organic products in…
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Compost pour lutter contre le…
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Compostage et qualité du compost
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Sesame production Ethiopia – Avoiding contamination and grain losses
- 2 years ago
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This video was created as part of a project to support the organic sesame value chain in Ethiopia, in collaboration with GIZ and Tradin Organic. It provides information on how to avoid accidental contamination of local products by external contaminants.
Sustainable Yam Systems in West Africa
- 3 years ago
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Yams are tuber crops essential for food security in West Africa. However, tuber productivity of traditional cropping systems is much lower than the yield potential. This is due to the high level of soil fertility required by these plants and its rapid decrease when the plot is cropped with yams.
Organic Resource Management for Soil fertility
- 3 years ago
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The application of organic resources in agricultural land enhances soil fertility and quality, with positive social, economic and environmental impacts. However, the respective techniques have failed to be implemented in farmers’ cropping systems on a large scale.
Marketing organic products in Africa
- 3 years ago
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In Africa, the demand for organic products has been growing steadily over the years. Many grass-roots initiatives in Africa have started to sell organic products in neighbourhood shops, street markets or in organic shops in a town.
Compostage et qualité du compost
- 3 years ago
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Un groupe de producteurs-chercheurs au Mali teste la différence entre le compost traditionnel, composé d'ordures ménagères et de résidus pas bien décomposés, et le compost amélioré, composé d’un mélange de résidus végétaux, ordures ménagères, et déchets animaux.
Project / Initiative Info
Project / Initiative Name
FiBL - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (https://www.fibl.org/) is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture.