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- 3 months ago
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Sree Vardhan (Proprietor) +91 78455 74423
Previous Video Link: https://youtu.be/AygJQg65yGc The tree climber has a seating provision and has two frames.
The upper frame is operated by hand while the lower one is operated by leg. The user sits comfortably on the seat and by the up and down movement of upper and lower frame, can climb the tree. A locking system has been provided, which enables the climber to work without fear at any height. One can climb up to 60 ft in 5 minutes (this includes time needed in fixing, climbing up, down and removal of device from tree) Why Multi Tree Climber? One of the major advantages of this device is that it is useful for trees with different girth, thus it is suitable Coconut, Palmyra Palm, Teak, Silver Oak, Rubber, Oil Palm, Date Palm etc.. Our Multi Tree Climber comes in different sizes to cater the needs of different people and their uses. So choose the right model as per your need.
Feel free to consult us. Email: info@treeclimber.in Web: www.treeclimber.in #3/940, Vetrivelava Nagar, Poochiyur, Narasimhanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore - 641031, Tamil Nadu, India
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