Climate-smart agriculture in action
- 7 years ago
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More than a billion farmers and their families around the world are on the front line of climate change. Their lives and livelihoods are directly affected by its impacts, and they are also vital to implementing many of the solutions we need to help prevent it.
Fall army worm in africa
- 7 years ago
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Nairobi, Kenya (CIMMYT) – A new comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM)-based technical guide produced by international experts will help scientists, extension agents and farmers to tackle the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), which has rapidly spread across the African continent in t
Fish marketing plan for better prices
- 7 years ago
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Fish Marketing Plan for Better Prices_English . This is one of the video that were developed after farmer to farmer video training in Njala university conducted by Access Agriculture funded by USAID in the INGENAES/ worldfish poject in Sierra Leone.
Testing the ph- of a fish pond_temne
- 7 years ago
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Testing the pH- of a Fish Pond in temne language. . This is one of the video that were developed after farmer to farmer video training in Njala university conducted by Access Agriculture funded by USAID in the INGENAES/ worldfish poject in Sierra Leone.
- 8 years ago
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A group of young school leavers at our Nyumbani village took part in a participatory film project, facilitated by Glocal Films. All participants received training in camerawork, sound recording and editing and were enabled to make their very own films, based on their personal ideas.