மாட்டுப்பண்ணையில் உள்ள சவால்களும் தீர்வுகளும் ஓர் அலசல் | Country Farmss | Aravinth Goat Farm
- 6 months ago
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Welcome to our African Boer Goat Farm! We are a team of passionate and experienced goat breeders, focused on producing high-quality African Boer goats and their products since 2015. Our farm is located in a picturesque landscape with access to assured irrigation facilities, enabling us to raise top-quality green fodder crops for our goats. Aravinth Goat Farm 1/1, Annai sathiya nagar Pudupalayam Road, Kattanachampatty, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu 637408 India
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