Sweet Potato Roots for Timely Planting Material: The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots
- 3 years ago
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This animation explains the Triple S Method for preparing and storing root vegetables.
Sweet Potato Roots for Timely Planting Material: The Triple S Method on How to Prepare and Store Roots
- 3 years ago
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This animation explains the Triple S Method for preparing and storing root vegetables.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Protect Your Chickens from Newcastle Disease
- 3 years ago
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Raising chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, and other birds for eggs and meat and for sale in the market, is an excellent way to provide fresh, healthy food for your family and money for your household. Disease however, can devastate a small flock.
How to Reduce Firewood and Fuel in Cooking: Using Rocks and a Grate
- 3 years ago
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In this video, you will learn how to save firewood and charcoal by using rocks and a grate while cooking. Using this technique in your wood stove allows air to circulate under the fire, making the fire burn hotter and with less smoke and using less fire wood.
Properly Storing Dried Grains and Legumes Using Hermetically Sealed Bags
- 3 years ago
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Properly storing dry grains and legumes minimizes postharvest loss. You can store maize, rice, beans, lentils, and many other grains in what are called PICS bags. These bags can help prevent insect and mold damage during storage of dried grains and legumes.
Postharvest Loss: Jerrycan Bean Storage
- 3 years ago
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This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using the jerrycan method. Beans can be stored in an airtight jerrycan for long periods of time safely. The jerrycan being used must be completely clean and free of any contaminants.