காப்புரிமை பெற்ற பூச்சிப்பொறி | Insect Probe Trap For Ware House | Trap for Stack Storage
- 1 year ago
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Designed and developed 12 gadgets for insect pest management including stored products and insects. The recent development is the "TNAU stored product insect pest management kit”. The kit with multimedia contains prototypes of 8 gadgets. This kit will be an ideal "hands-on training" tool for Education, Extension, and also for Post Harvest Entomology Research Centres. Received several awards from State Government, ICAR, GOI, and other Commercial Organizations. Website: https://www.mohantrap.com/ Sri Vrintha Traders Basmathi Complex, 164 Balaji Nagar, Sidhapudur, Coimbatore – 641044, Tamil Nadu, India Website: www.srivrinthatraders.in #TNAU #countryfarmss #ProbeTrap #MohanTrap
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