Rice farming (Thai)
- 9 years ago
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เพลี้ยไฟข้าว(rice thrips) มวนง่าม(stink bug) แมลงวันเจาะยอดข้าว(rice whorl maggot) หนอนกระทู้กล้า(rice army worm) หนอนกอข้าว(rice stem borers) เพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ำตาล (brown planthopper, BPH ) แมลงบั่ว (rice gall midge, RGM) เพลี้ยจักจั่นสีเขียว (green rice leafhopper) แมลงหล่า (rice black bug หรือ
Araw ng magsasaka sa IRRI
- 9 years ago
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Araw ng magsasaka sa IRRI: Mga iba't ibang problema ng lupa (Farmers' Field Day at IRRI), 28 February 2011.
Tema: Salin ng Kaalaman at teknolohiya, yamang--Aral para sa magsasaka (Theme: Transfer of knowledge and technologies to the farmers).
Easing the plight of the hungry (Bengali version)
- 9 years ago
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This is Bangladesh, home to about 150 million people. Here, in one of the poorest and most densely populated nations in the world, 30 million people suffer from severe hunger each year. And, most of them depend on agriculture for their livelihood.
Improving rice quality
- 9 years ago
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"...culture of quality is very important for us to push back the dumping from outside, if we don't do it; whether its from Africa, whether it's from my mothers kitchen, people are not going to buy it, so we have to become competitive, we have to develop competitive advantage and quality is the mo