India's First Device To Detect Subclinical Mastitis In Cows | Mastitis Cure | Quadmastest
- 1 month ago
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Chimertech Private Limited was established as an effort to deliver leading- and cutting-edge technologies to the general public and laboring workforce with minimal effort and end-user friendly technologies, that caters to the farmers. Chimertech is a brand new advanced enterprise with 3 years of history, although established by people with over 40 years of experience within the pharma, IVD and veterinary sector. Chimertech Private Limited focuses on scientific and technological concepts to create sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the field of animal husbandry veterinary science, bioelectronics, biotechnology, and healthcare. Chimertech Private Limited is keen on developing rapid, point-of-care, and non-invasive theragnostic technologies catering to the needs of healthcare providers and farmers with precision and cost-efficiency as the prime objectives.
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#mastitiscow #mastitistreatment #mastitismedicineforcows #clinicalmastitis #treatmentofmastitisincattle #SubclinicalMastitis #Quadmastest
#ChimertechPrivateLimited #CountryFarmssEnglish #CountryFarmssEcoVillage
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