Visite de la délégation du…
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Third E-Workshop PID TMT in Benin
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Promoting Local Innovation Nepal (…
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Prolinnova Kenya-LOFODA G-meal…
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PROLINNOVA Cambodia: Visionary…
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Prolinnova Kenya-Sack Garden…
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Sparks on the Rainbow _ Prolinnova…
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Promoting Local Innovation in…
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Documentary on Prolinnova Nepal
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PROLINNOVA Cambodia: Visionary Farming
- 3 years ago
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PROLINNOVA is a global learning network that promotes local innovation led by small-scale farmers in sustainable agriculture and management of natural resources. Launched in 2001, PROLINNOVA is active in 17 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Prolinnova Kenya-Sack Garden Irrigation Kit
- 3 years ago
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An interactive clip about a Local Innovation on Sack Garden Irrigation Kit. An innovation by Rebecca Dero-Farmer Innovator from Kisumu County who is solving the challenge of scarce water to ensure "all-seasons" indigenous vegetable production.
Project / Initiative Info
Project / Initiative Name
Prolinnova is a Community of Practice that envisions a world where women and men farmers play decisive roles in innovation processes in agroecology and natural resource management for sustainable livelihoods. Prolinnova partners regard the enhancement of the local capacity to innovate as key to sustainable development. Through its multistakeholder Country Platforms and friends of Prolinnova, the network builds on and scales up farmer-led approaches to participatory research and development, starting with finding out how family farmers create new and better ways of doing things. Engaging in farmer-led joint innovation processes transforms formal agricultural advisors’ and researchers’ views on the role of local people, thus stimulating mutual interest in further joint action.