Use of Tephrosia Powder to Wash…
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Use Tephrosia Power to Store Grain…
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How to Prepare and Spray Tephrosia…
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Agroecological Insect Management…
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Use of Diatomacious Earth in…
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Using Data - Emily, East Africa
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Cassava Phytosanitation - Geoffrey…
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Learning from Participatory…
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Breeding Predatory Wasps to…
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FRN and Pest Management - Emmanuel…
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Smart Projector Success Stories -…
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EPC commune FADA N'Gourma -…
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Use of Tephrosia Powder to Wash Animals - Prosper Kweka, Kenya
- 3 years ago
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Tephrosia vogelli is a common plant in much of Africa and it has powerful pesticidal properties. This video explains some of the dangers of synthetic insecticides for livestock and shows how to use Tephrosia as a natural alternative.
How to Prepare and Spray Tephrosia Vogelli Extract from Powder - Frank Chibwana, Malawi
- 3 years ago
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Tephrosia vogelli is a common plant in much of Africa and it has powerful pesticidal properties. It can be used for many common pests on crops as well as for the preservation of stored grains. This video explains how to prepare and spray pesticide made from Tephrosia.
Agroecological Insect Management - Diego Mina, Ecuador
- 3 years ago
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The AMIGO project in the central highlands of Ecuador works with farmers to improve the knowledge and management of insects through workshops, field visits, talks, Whatsapp groups. Watch this film to learn about what they do together.
Using Data - Emily, East Africa
- 3 years ago
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Through a series of interviews with grantees in East Africa, this film by the Stats4SD team at Redding University explores the grantees perspectives on the value and use of good quality data within the context of farmer research networks.
Breeding Predatory Wasps to Control Millet Miner Moth - Boukari Harouna, Niger
- 3 years ago
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The Millet Minder moth is a problem for farmers in West Africa. Boukari Harouna shares an effective biological control using predatory wasps. The film demonstrate the process of breeding and releasing Habrobracon hebetor wasps.
Project / Initiative Info
Project / Initiative Name
CCRP Farmer Research Networks
Since 2012, the Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) has been developing the idea and practice of Farmer Research Networks (FRNs). These are linked sets of farmer groups that conduct agroecological (AE) research of relevance to their members. FRNs typically work in partnership with researchers, development organizations, farmer organizations, and/or broader networks. Because each FRN develops in response to its own contexts and opportunities, each farmer research network is unique.