6. Filming tips - Making good…
- 2,397
- 0
- 0
5. Taking farmer interviews -…
- 1,829
- 0
- 0
4. Camera positions and framing -…
- 1,845
- 0
- 0
3. Preparing interviews - Making…
- 1,778
- 0
- 0
2. Script writing - Making good…
- 2,040
- 0
- 0
1. Introduction video - Making…
- 2,153
- 0
- 0
Cómo ampliar la agroecología
- 1,719
- 0
How to scale agroecology
- 2,385
- 0
Comment transposer l’agroécologie…
- 1,629
- 0
Reaching the unconnected through…
- 2,899
- 0
- 0
Expérience d’Access Agriculture en…
- 1,793
- 0
Access Agriculture experience in…
- 1,801
- 0
5. Taking farmer interviews - Making good videos with farmers
- 2 years ago
- 1,829
- 0
This module gives an introduction to the entire process of producing a video.
Introduction video module is part of a larger series, covering all steps in video production. This series of videos has been funded by FAO.
4. Camera positions and framing - Making good videos with farmers
- 2 years ago
- 1,845
- 0
This module gives an introduction to the entire process of producing a video.
Introduction video module is part of a larger series, covering all steps in video production. This series of videos has been funded by FAO.
3. Preparing interviews - Making good videos with farmers
- 2 years ago
- 1,778
- 0
This module gives an introduction to the entire process of producing a video.
Introduction video module is part of a larger series, covering all steps in video production. This series of videos has been funded by FAO.
2. Script writing - Making good videos with farmers
- 2 years ago
- 2,040
- 0
This module gives an introduction to the entire process of producing a video.
Introduction video module is part of a larger series, covering all steps in video production. This series of videos has been funded by FAO.
Project / Initiative Info
Project / Initiative Name
Access Agriculture
Access Agriculture is a non-profit organisation that showcases agricultural training videos in local languages. We strive to promote the transition towards agroecology and organic farming across the global South. To impact on rural livelihoods, please explore Access Agriculture.