A history of microfinance | Muhammad Yunus | TEDxVienna
- 4 years ago
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Prof. Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank, an institution that provides microcredit to help its clients establish creditworthiness and financial self-sufficiency. In 2006 Yunus and Grameen received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Upcycling: what is it and why it matters
- 4 years ago
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Upcycling is to repurpose a product giving it a new life after it’s lifecycle is finished. it also reduces the need for production using new or raw materials which means a reduction in air pollution, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and often conservation of global resources
Hacer concentrado de bajo costo (resumen)
- 4 years ago
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Si hace una mezcla básica que se puede dar a todos los animales, usted ahorra tiempo y dinero. Dos terceras partes de la mezcla son de granos, como el arroz, maíz, sorgo y mijo. Una tercera parte de la mezcla debe ser rica en proteínas y grasa. Muela la mezcla hasta una harina gruesa.
Harvesting and storage of green gram (summary)
- 4 years ago
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Green gram or mung bean seed and grains need special care during harvesting and storage. Coat the seed with vegetable oil and store them in an earthen pot. Add neem leaves and dry red chillies. Cover the pot with a cotton cloth and a wire mesh to keep out rodents.
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Video collection showcasing Ecology, Food, and Ecotourism