Revisit to Aravinth Goat Farm | நான்கு வருடத்தில் அபரீத வளர்ச்சி!! | Country Farmss | ஆட்டு பண்ணை
- 7 months ago
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Welcome to our African Boer Goat Farm! We are a team of passionate and experienced goat breeders, focused on producing high-quality African Boer goats and their products since 2015. Our farm is located in a picturesque landscape with access to assured irrigation facilities, enabling us to raise top-quality green fodder crops for our goats.
Aravinth Goat Farm 1/1, Annai sathiya nagar Pudupalayam Road, Kattanachampatty, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu 637408 India #CountryFarmss #
AravinthGoatFarm #Goatfarming #Boergoats #Howtocontrolweeds #PrecisionFarmingTechnologies #BenjaminRaja #remotesensingforfarming
#smartfarming #precisionfarming #CountryFarmssEnglish #invasiveweeds #invasiveweedcontrol #invasivespecies #invasiveplant #howtoremoveinvasiveweeds #howtogetridofinvasiveweeds #weeds #invasiveplants #whatareinvasiveplants #weedremoval #invasivespecies (plants & trees)
#noxiousweeds #Farmagain #Grotron
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