Life cycle of aphids
- 3 years ago
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Aphids inflict serious damage to a variety of crops. They are notorious virus vectors and have an enormous reproductive capacity. There are lots of different coloured species and they occur in all kinds of crops. The nymphs and adults extract food materials from the plant and disturb the balance of the plant’s growth hormones. It can result in deformed leaves or even the death of young plants. Aphids secrete honeydew which is a nutrient source for sooty moulds. Their saliva can also induce strong allergic reactions such as malformations of the growing tips. The aphid in this video is the most important vector of viruses and is thus feared by many growers. When reproduction is asexual, the young aphids are born as developed nymphs. They immediately start to feed on plant sap and grow rapidly. Aphids moult four times before reaching adulthood. With each moult they shed white skin, betraying their presence in the crop. Adult aphids can have different appearances. They can vary in colour and can be winged or wingless. The most effective method to control aphids depends on species, crop and climate.
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