இந்தியாவில் முதல்முறையாக மேட்டுப்பாத்தி முறையில் வாழை விவசாயம் | ஒருங்கிணைந்த பண்ணை | Country Farmss
- 1 year ago
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IBGF - Banana Forest Vazhai Vanam The Integrated Banana Growers Federation (IBGF) is a federation of farmers who have adopted the innovative farming method of Banana Forest. The concept of Banana Forest was developed by Dr. C. Shanmugasundaram, a renowned agricultural scientist from Chittode, Erode District, Tamilnadu, India. The Banana Forest concept is all about creating a rainforest-like environment where banana plants are the main crop. This method of farming is highly sustainable and eco-friendly, as it mimics the natural processes that occur in a rainforest ecosystem. By cultivating banana plants along with other plants and trees, Banana Forest farming helps to conserve soil, water, and biodiversity. Vasantham Paradise, Chittode, Erode District, Tamilnadu, India -638012
#countryfarmss #BananaForest #SmartIntegratedFarming
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