A Polinnova Kenya Composite film September 2022: A series of short video clips of Local Farmer Innovators in Kenya presenting their experiences with Farmer-Led Innovation Development (PID).
- 2 years ago
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This is a composite Video produced by Prolinnova Kenya showcasing the work of Farmer Innovators in Kenya.
Hybrid Beehive Innovation by De Jakes Olwendo - Participants at the farmer fair held in May 2013-Prolinnova & CGIAR/CCAFS
- 3 years ago
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50 smallholder farmers from East Africa showcased a number of interesting agricultural innovations at a farmer fair held in May 2013. De Jake Olwendo was one of the innovators under the livestock production category.
PROLINNOVA Niger: Arid Land, Fertile Minds (French Version)
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PROLINNOVA is a global learning network that promotes local innovation led by small-scale farmers in sustainable agriculture and the management of natural resources. Launched in 2001, PROLINNOVA is active in 17 developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Women in northern Ghana improve locally made soap
- 3 years ago
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The documentation team of ACDEP, the host NGO of Prolinnova-Ghana, has produced a video film on how a women’s group in Yendi in northern Ghana improved its artisanal soap by using local herbs and other materials to give the soap new colors and shapes.