Kilimo Hai
- 2 years ago
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Musdalafa Lyaga is an award winning Food Journalist producing farmer radio and video features to help improve awareness and knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices and technologies, strengthen the link between researchers, extension workers and farmers in order to enhance food
Good Manure Management Practices
- 2 years ago
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Manure from livestock contains many important nutrients that are vital for plant growth. In this video, Musdalafa Lyaga visits farmers in Western Kenya to learn more on how to maintain the quality and get maximum benefits of animal manure.
Ufugaji wa ng'ombe wa maziwa -Dairy farming
- 2 years ago
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A woman entrepreneur from Kenya shares her experiences keeping dairy cows. She talks to Kilimo Hai Radio producer Musdalafa Lyaga on how she started dairy farming, challenges she has been facing keeping dairy cows and what has kept her going.
Basic finance literacy for farmers
- 6 years ago
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Financial literacy helps farmers like Anna Muleli…….Rhoda Mumbua...and Mutuku Musau gain knowledge to diversify their livelihoods in the harsh region of Kenya’s Ukambani by strengthening resilience against external shocks and enabling them to enhance their productive potential.
Management of legume flower thrips
- 6 years ago
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In tropical Africa these shiny, black, slender and small-winged insects causes damage and distortion to cowpea through feeding on leaves, fruits or petals. Grain yield losses of between 20 and 100% have been reported caused by Legume flower thrips on cowpea from different parts of Africa.
Push-pull the zimbabwean experience
- 6 years ago
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Many farmers in Africa rely on maize as a staple food. Maize farming comes with challenges of striga weed, stemborer, soil fertility, and most recently fall army worms. It is the duty of the farmers who know of a solution to share with other farmers.