Laser Land Leveler
- 9 years ago
- 9,957
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The Cereals Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) is mandated to increase farm productivity and incomes of resource poor farm families in South Asia through the accelerated development and inclusive deployment of new varieties, sustainable crop management technologies, and policies.
Spotted Seeds Means Diseased Seeds
- 9 years ago
- 13,426
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Produced by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, http://irri.org ), CAB International (CABI, UK), and the Rural Development Academy (RDA, Bogra, Bangladesh), this is one of four in the series, Women to women extension of postharvest innovations in Banglad
Seed Sorting by Flotation
- 9 years ago
- 14,701
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Produced by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, http://irri.org), CAB International (CABI, UK), and the Rural Development Academy (RDA, Bogra, Bangladesh), this is one of four in the series, Women to women extension of postharvest innovations in Banglade