Sawbo: postharvest loss: bulk transportation in portuguese (accent from brazil)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/Tj… Esta animação explica como transportar grãos utilizando-se das melhores práticas para o transpo
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation in Bengali (accent from India)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/y5… এই ভিডিও টি তে আপনারা দেখবেন, শস্যের বিপুল পরিমনে পরিবহনের সবচেয়ে ভালো উপায়| শস্য পরিবহনের সময়
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation in Lingala (accent from DR Congo)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/FF… Vidé oyo ezali kolakisa lolenge yako mema ba graines to mbuma na ko utiliser ba techniques ya k
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation in Yoruba (accent from Nigeria)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/Kh… This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bulk transportation.
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bulk Transportation in Portuguese (accent from Brazil)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/QB… Esta animação explica como transportar grãos utilizando-se das melhores práticas para o transpo
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Hermetic Sealing with Locally Available Containers in Fante (accent from Ghana)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/oH… This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using a loc
Sawbo: postharvest loss: hermetic sealing with locally available containers in english (accent from ghana)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/rC… This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using a loc
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation in Amharic (accent from Ethiopia)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/jy… This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bag transportation.
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation in Portuguese (accent from Brazil)
- 6 years ago
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Você pode baixar este vídeo aqui: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/Ez… Esta animação explica como transportar grãos utilizando-se das melhores práticas para transport
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation in English (accent from USA)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/43… This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bag transportation.
Sawbo: Postharvest Loss: Bag Transportation in Lomwe (accent from Mozambique)
- 6 years ago
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You can download this video here: https://sawbo-animations.org/video.php?video=//www.youtube.com/embed/lr… Evitiyu elaa enaleeliha otechera ni wetchiha isakhu sa nmisso netchela miruku sokweleya otchari