Black Beans (Njahi) Recipe
- 9 years ago
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Black beans are a staple in South American cuisine ,here in Kenya they remain a preserve of central Kenya.Black beans in parts of Kenya are a delicacy especially given to expectant and breast-feeding mothers to boost milk production as well as aid in aiding the mothers recovery after child-birth.
Sustainable Livelihoods in Marsabit
- 9 years ago
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Commercialisation and Market Linkages for Agro-pastoral Households in Marsabit (COMAP) Project is a project designed to cater for the needs of pastoral communities in Marsabit and is to be implemented by Farm Concern International with support from Tear fund UK with the aim of seeing transformed
Nyawiras' of Africa: Celebrating the African Woman
- 9 years ago
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They are hard working mothers, who have mastered the balancing act unafraid to confront the hard, unwavering in the face of pain. They are drivers of trade, carriers of treasured knowledge, users of technology. Champions in the forefront of every community.